Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking with Acupuncture NYC by Marc Bystock L.Ac.

Woman who Quit Smoking with Acupuncture NYC by Marc Bystock L.Ac.
Call Marc Bystock L.Ac.
"Nicotine replacement therapy or choosing to vape is still healthier than smoking. A healthier choice than all other alternatives for quitting is acupuncture. The ancient alternative medical treatment continues to gain support in western medicine because of consistent studies verifying its effectiveness."
-Marc Bystock L.Ac.
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Using Acupuncture to Quit Vaping or Smoking by Marc Bystock NYC Acupuncturist in Midtown Manhattan NY 10016

The number of adult smokers in the United States declined rapidly from its peak as the potential health risks of the habit became apparent. Currently, however, 30 million Americans still smoke cigarettes daily. In addition, about 16 million people in the U.S. have smoking-related diseases. About 70 percent of many smokers reportedly desire to quit but cannot manage to do so on their own. Experts state that cigarettes are as difficult to give up as heroin and cocaine and can require professional help for success. Smoking cessation methods have helped many people, but acupuncture may offer a more practical solution with fewer risks.

Risks Associated with Smoking

Medical experts frequently stress the many health risks connected to cigarette use. Smokers have a higher-than-average chance of developing lung diseases, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and more. The dangers of smoking do not only affect the individual using the cigarette. Secondhand smoke also causes damage to anyone consistently in contact with it.

Potential Risks of Traditional Smoking Cessation Methods

Some methods used for quitting smoking have potential risks. As a result, many people turned to vape as a healthier alternative. Non-nicotine vaping does not cause the same extensive health problems associated with smoking, but it is not risk-free. The CDC has released warnings about potential lung diseases experienced by vaping. The ailments arose because of the chemicals used in vape products.

Vaping may also encourage former smokers to return to their habit. It is easy to acquire nicotine-containing vape products, and this can prove too tempting to new non-smokers. Vaping also does not help people end the tactile need associated with smoking. The swap from cigarette to vape pen transfers this habit to a new product.

Nicotine replacement therapy helps people put down their cigarettes and slowly lower the amount of nicotine they put into their bodies. It is generally safer to use this option than to continue smoking, but risks exist. The risks can vary depending on if people use nicotine gum or a patch. Some of the problems people can experience often include:
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Sleep disruptions
  • Strange dreams
  • Skin irritations
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Muscle pain
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Mouth sores
  • Throat irritation
  • Nausea
  • Jaw discomfort
Woman Vaping who started Using Acupuncture to Quit Vaping or Smoking by Marc Bystock NYC Acupuncturist in Midtown Manhattan NY 10016

Using Acupuncture to Stop Smoking

Nicotine replacement therapy or choosing to vape is still healthier than smoking. A healthier choice than all other alternatives for quitting is acupuncture. The ancient alternative medical treatment continues to gain support in western medicine because of consistent studies verifying its effectiveness.

Acupuncturists adapt their methods to treat specific conditions. The adaptions involve focusing on the placement of the needles used in body areas that promote the result needed. For example, to help their clients quit smoking with acupuncture, a specialist inserts needles in pressure points around the ears. Addiction experts know that ear acupressure is an effective method of addiction suppression.
After a successful treatment course of acupuncture, the service can help people avoid their need for cigarettes for up to five years, based on medical studies. Follow-up appointments scheduled annually or as needed can ensure the benefits remain consistent throughout life. Ear seeds used at home can aid recovery during the initial acupuncture treatments. Ear seeds are acupressure items placed on the pressure points in the ears that help control cravings.

Acupuncture helps people quit smoking by reducing how much the individual craves cigarettes. The treatment can also change how tobacco tastes to make it less pleasant to the smoker. Additional benefits of acupuncture assist with the many side effects common with giving up nicotine. The individual will often have less irritability, sleep better, and see improvements in their mood.

Benefits of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a relaxing and safe option for nearly everyone. People with chronic skin or bleeding disorders, those who suffer from seizures, and anyone with a pacemaker should speak to their doctor before treatment. It is necessary to be sure that acupuncture is safe for them. Acupuncture is also a simple and peaceful treatment process that, at most, causes only a mild stinging sensation. Many people who undergo treatments feel no discomfort from the insertion of the thin needles used by the specialist.

Patients can combine their smoking cessation visits with a traditional session to gain more of the benefits of acupuncture. The treatment has been shown beneficial for many purposes. A quit-smoking acupuncturist can help clients do more than break their habit. Acupuncture treatments can work as companion care with many other medications and traditional medical services without causing interactions or harmful effects. Patients can add acupuncture to their treatments without stopping other health measures. Some of the potential benefits of acupuncture include:
  • Relieve aches and pains
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Improve digestive disorders
  • Boost blood circulation
  • Use alongside traditional cancer or heart disease treatments
  • Correct sleep disorders
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Relieve headaches
  • Improve allergy symptoms
  • Boost mood

Contact NYC Acupuncturist Marc Bystock L.Ac. To Quit Smoking or Vaping

Any smoker who wants to stop their habit and improve their health should investigate the treatment options available by a Quit Smoking Acupuncturist. NYC Acupuncturist Marc Bystock L.Ac offers innovative services for anyone who needs help to stop smoking. 

Contact the office today to learn more about the services provided. Schedule a consultation to see if this may be the right solution for you. Call today to begin your countdown to becoming smoke-free.

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