Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Treatment NYC by Marc Bystock L.Ac.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Treatment NYC by Marc Bystock L.Ac.
Call Marc Bystock L.Ac.
"I have personally treated many women with PCOS using electro-acupuncture, whole food nutrition based eating programs and herbs. The results are outstanding!"
-Marc Bystock L.Ac.
Contact Marc Bystock Holistic Acupuncture NYC
Contact Marc Bystock, Leading Holistic Acupuncturist in NYC for a Free Consultation.

Treatments for PCOS by NYC Acupuncturist in Midtown Manhattan NY 10016

What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?

PCOS is a health problem affecting nearly 10% of women looking to become pregnant. It is the most common hormone dysregulation disorder for women in their reproductive stage. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a hormonal dysfunction and metabolic disturbance. PCOS is a leading causative factor of female infertility termed anovulatory infertility.

Women who have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome produce too much androgen in their ovaries. Although some androgen is normally produced by women, it is made in small amounts. Androgen is predominantly produced in males in much larger quantities. In women, it can produce excess body hair, especially facially.

The name Polycystic Ovary Syndrome comes from the small fluid-filled sac-like structures that can grow in the ovaries of women who have this disorder. However, not all women who have PCOS have these small ovarian cysts. During a woman’s monthly ovulation cycle, a mature egg is released from the ovary. This allows the egg to be fertilized by a male sperm. If fertilization doesn’t take place, the egg exits the body during her period.

In some cases, a woman lacks enough hormones to ovulate. Without ovulation, small cysts may form in the ovaries. These cysts produce higher than normal levels of androgens. This produces menstrual problems and the symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
Treatments for PCOS by NYC Acupuncturist in Midtown Manhattan NY 10016

Common Causes Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Researchers and clinicians agree that the causes of PCOS are not well understood. Most women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome also have metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic syndrome, a cluster of symptoms associated with cardiovascular risks and obesity increases another hormone called insulin. Higher levels of insulin may push androgen levels up even higher.

There is a strong genetic association with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. PCOS often runs in families with mothers, daughters or sisters.

If PCOS runs in your family genetics, you could be at high risk of getting it. Also, obese and insulin-resistant women may have a higher risk for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

What Are the Symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?

Women who have PCOS are at risk of developing diabetes type 2, hypertension, cardiovascular disorders, and uterine cancer, and almost always have difficulty to become pregnant. Other symptoms include:
  • Excessive body hair on the face, back or chest
  • Irregular or incomplete menstrual cycles
  • Inflamed ovaries with multiple sac filled cysts
  • Increase in body fat, triglycerides, and waistline circumference
  • Thinning scalp hair
  • Greasy skin with facial outbreaks 
  • Lacking the ability to become pregnant
  • Benign skin tags
  • Over 60% of women with PCOS have anxiety & depression 
How Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is Diagnosed?

Some of the PCOS symptoms may be similar to other health disorders. A health care provider must first perform an intake and exam on the patient. An ultrasound can make images of organs, tissue, and blood vessels.
It can determine if there are any cysts in the ovaries and look at the endometrial lining of the uterus to see if the wall is thick or thin. Finally, blood tests should be ordered to determine hormonal levels, including androgens, glucose, and triglycerides.

Conventional Treatment for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Treatment for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome will depend on patient age, case severity, and whether the patient intends to become pregnant or not. If you are interested in becoming pregnant, then improving your food intake and exercising will both become necessary as they can help to reduce glucose and insulin levels. Eating a diet low in the glycemic index will be beneficial. 

Certain medications will be prescribed to support the ovaries in releasing eggs. These medications work by stimulating the ovaries to increase hormone production. The side effects of these medications increase risks for multiple births, bloating, and pain. Other medications commonly prescribed are birth control pills. They support the menstrual cycle and may help lower high androgen levels. Metformin may be prescribed to manage blood sugar levels.

How I Use Holistic Acupuncture to Treat Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

In my experience, acupuncture, herbs, and specific food plans are necessary to treat PCOS successfully. One study shows that the use of acupuncture and medications works better to treat PCOS than the medications alone. Traditional Chinese Medicine has its own language. In TCM acupuncture, PCOS is usually diagnosed as a kidney, liver, and spleen deficiency with a blood deficiency and phlegm. It is categorized under delayed menstruation and infertility syndromes. Therefore, the treatment principle is to strengthen the kidney, liver, and spleen, move the blood and dissipate phlegm. Acupuncture needles placed in key acupoint locations will help to facilitate this.

In Western terminology, acupuncture needles create a stimulus from the peripheral to ascend the spinal cord and then communicates to the brain to the brain lower the androgen production. Acupuncture has a strong effect on the endocrine and central nervous system. With the ability to restore the hypothalamus, the pituitary, and the adrenal glands, acupuncture brings harmony back to the hormonal system. 

In addition, electro-acupuncture is often used in PCOS to perfuse blood to the female organs. Electro-acupuncture uses a device to attach to the acupuncture needles. The electrical stimulation increases the frequency and intensity of the treatment.  Blood perfusion increases both oxygen and nutrient flow to the organs to help repair tissue and move toxic waste out.

Acupuncture is necessary for the treatment of PCOS.

It may reduce the risk of additional medical complications like endometrial cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

In a 2009 study, electro-acupuncture performed on women having Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome showed that it lowers sympathetic nerve response. Acupuncture treatment improved menstrual flow, lowered testosterone levels, and reduced waist size. The conclusion of the study is significant, showing that acupuncture plays an essential role in reducing sympathetic activity. If left unaddressed, an increase in sympathetic activity can lead to hyperinsulinemia, increased insulin resistance, cardiovascular diseases, and an increase in body fat percentage.

I have personally treated many women with PCOS using electro-acupuncture, whole food nutrition based eating programs and herbs. The results are outstanding!

Whenever I treat a woman diagnosed with PCOS, I always target the patient before the disease. The term PCOS is a broad scope diagnosis consisting of many symptoms. I want to know if her PCOS is being driven by insulin resistance, an out of balanced HPA axis (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal) causing an excess in androgens or is the case of a post” birth control pill” response.

In either case, it becomes necessary to have a qualified practitioner to understand the causative factors involved. Then treat the patient using the principles of acupuncture, nutrition, and medical-herbology to bring about an effective and long-lasting change in the patient’s overall body health. 
Contact NYC Acupuncturist Marc Bystock L.Ac. for Free Consultation Regarding PCOS Treatment
You may be having trouble getting pregnant, or you may be searching for a health solution that works. I have help many people like you overcome the challenges and limitations of PCOS with holistic acupuncture treatments.

Contact me as soon as possible for a free initial consultation to talk about what I can do to help you with this severe health disorder.

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