Functional Nutrition NYC by Marc Bystock L.Ac.

Functional Nutrition NYC by Marc Bystock L.Ac.
Call Marc Bystock L.Ac.
"The human body is very complex! It remains capable of growth, self-repair, and healing, but only if you provide it with the proper raw materials or nutrients. You are composed of trillions of cells making up every tissue, organ, and structure of your body. Your body, on average, will turn over ten billion cells every hour for the entirety of your life. Without having an ample supply of nutrition, your body cannot keep pace with this critical life function."

-Marc Bystock L.Ac.
Contact Marc Bystock Holistic Acupuncture NYC
Contact Marc Bystock, Leading Holistic Acupuncturist in NYC for a Free Consultation.

Functional Nutritionist in Midtown Manhattan NY 10016

I consider nutrition to be a foundational therapy for every patient that I treat. Not long ago, our digestive system was considered to be a simple process of breaking down food, absorption, and excretion. It is now understood to be a very complex system. Research shows that the gut contains over 70% of the body’s immune system, and it maintains a strong link to the brain, mind, and mood.

The gut microbiome is mainly in the large intestine and consists of between 300 and 500 different species of bacteria. A few may be pathogenic, but most are necessary. They function to break down food and manufacture vitamins and other valuable nutrients.

The human body needs multiple nutrients to maintain an optimal condition of health. Many of the nutrients required cannot be manufactured internally but must be received externally from food. Everyone needs four nutrients to provide the basic building blocks of a proper diet. These include water, protein, carbohydrates, and fats.
Nutrient Deficiencies that Lead to Illness by Functional Nutritionist Marc Bystock in Midtown Manhattan NY 10016

Nutrient Deficiencies that Lead to Illness

Nutrient deficiencies may occur when the digestive tract either does not absorb food properly or when the necessary nutrients are not provided in adequate amounts.

Nutrient deficiencies lead to a state of malnutrition. If you don’t get the nutrients, you need, you may impair your body’s normal function causing harm. There are two forms of malnourishment:
  1. Protein or caloric deficiency-leading to a low energy state.
  2. Micronutrient deficiency-exemplified by a lower than normal amount of certain vitamins and minerals such as calcium and vitamin D.
The number of nutrients your body needs are dependent upon your overall condition, lifestyle, and age.

The Ten Most Common Nutritional Deficiencies

  • Vitamin A deficiencies may cause: night blindness, low immune system function, dry skin, dry hair, fatigue, and rapid aging
  • Vitamin B complex made of B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, biotin, choline, folic acid, inositol, and Para-Aminobenzoic Acid. Deficiencies of vitamin B complex may cause: fatigue, dysfunction of the nervous system, constipation, lack of muscle tone, cognitive decline and more
  • Vitamin C deficiency may cause: slow cellular growth and repair, adrenal insufficiency, bleeding dental gums
  • Vitamin D deficiency may cause: calcium malabsorption, osteoporosis, osteomalacia
  • Calcium deficiency may cause: weak bones and teeth, irregular heartbeat, brittle nails, hypertension, nervousness and more
  • Iodine-deficiency may cause: low thyroid function, fatigue, low metabolism, cognitive decline, and goiter
  • Iron-deficiency may cause: low blood oxygen, poor growth, low immune function and fatigue
  • Magnesium-deficiency may cause: muscle twitching, poor nerve transmission, poor muscle impulse, irritability and depression
  • Zinc-deficiency may cause: low immune function, poor wound healing, poor prostate function, low sperm count
  • Omega 3 fatty acids- deficiency may cause: excess inflammation, dry skin, dry eyes, low immune system, cognitive decline, high cholesterol, hormone dysregulation and more
The human body is very complex! It remains capable of growth, self-repair, and healing, but only if you provide it with the proper raw materials or nutrients. You are composed of trillions of cells making up every tissue, organ, and structure of your body. Your body, on average, will turn over ten billion cells every hour for the entirety of your life. Without having an ample supply of nutrition, your body cannot keep pace with this critical life function.

In my office, each nutritional patient will complete a full nutritional intake form. In additional, biomarker testing may be performed to review the function of your metabolism and body water content. Muscle-testing may be used to determine specific organ and nutrient deficiencies. 

Most Common Nutritional Deficiency Symptoms
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability, moodiness, anxiety, depression
  • Insomnia
  • Headache and migraine
  • Bloating, flatulence
  • Constipation, diarrhea
  • Stress
  • Hormonal dysregulation
  • Toxicity build up
  • Food cravings
  • Weight gain, unexplained weight loss
  • Night blindness
  • Macular degeneration
  • Anemia
  • Muscle weakness
  • Fertility issues
  • Weak bones
  • Dry eyes
  • Skin disorders
  • High blood pressure
  • Low immunity and more
I use several different food plans to give to patients depending on their symptoms and presentation. My five most common clinical food plans include:
  • Elimination food plan - excellent to remove food allergens and inflammatory foods from the diet. Usually it is six to eight weeks long and includes two phases. Phase I is the restrictive phase, and phase II is the re-introductory phase. Allergenic foods promote systemic inflammation.
  • Anti-Candida Plan: Is specific to lowering all carbohydrates and sugars in the diet which candida feed upon. This leads to lowering the pathogenic candida load, a yeast-like a fungus that weakens the immune system if left unchecked. Candida can cause a wide range of symptoms, including itchy skin, anxiety, depression, digestive disturbance, joint pain, constipation, arthritis, and more.
  • Mitochondria food planA healthy form of the Mediterranean diet with a focus on proteins, healthy fats, and lots of non-starchy vegetables. This plan is high in fiber and phytonutrients; it provides lots of energy.
  • Cardiovascular food plan: This food plan may be like the Mito plan above. Patients will consume healthy proteins and fats with an abundance of vegetables and a small number of fruits. This plan can lower high blood pressure and support a healthy heart.
  • Detoxification food plan: This plan minimizes all toxic substances while it maximizes support for the liver, kidneys, and digestive tract. The correct type of proteins and lots of phytonutrients are required to promote the removal of toxic waste from the body. 
If patient supplementation is required, then whole food nutrients and botanicals may be dispensed. These specialized vitamins, minerals, and plant concentrates fill in the nutritional gaps and is the good drivers of health in addition to the nutritional food plans above. 

When it comes to clinical nutritional therapy, everything I do for my patients is scientifically based with empirical evidence behind it. We eat and drink for many possibilities, thirst, hunger, joy, emotional reasons, but most of all, water and food are necessary for our daily sustenance and long term condition of health. The quality of the nutritional choices that we make today will have a direct effect on the future of our health. As we become older and wiser, we all come to understand that health is our greatest wealth!
Contact NYC Acupuncturist Marc Bystock L.Ac. for Nutritional Therapy
My passion is to help you to improve your health by using cutting edge nutritional techniques that have a proven history of success.

I offer a free consultation by phone or in person. I sincerely wish to create a plan that will help you to overcome the health and well issues that brought here.

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